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Cassio Markowski

Born in Guaratinguetá, São Paulo – is a Visual Artist graduated in 2007 from the Centro de Artes da
State University of Santa Catarina, Master in Performing Arts and Sciences from UPV/EHU 2010 and Master in Research in Art Creation from the University of the Basque Country 2011.

He worked as a set designer and professor of performing arts in Bilbao and after having lived and worked as an illustrator in Poland currently lives and works in Almada-Portugal.

Using a diversity of means and techniques ranging from drawing to collage, from painting to video, I seek to create conceptual images that address issues related to childhood, nature, identity and memory. Inspired by illustrations taken from botany books, history, magazines, family albums, among others, my work has a strong autobiographical and fictional character. The relationship between the human being, fauna and flora is predominantly explored in these compositions in a certain poetic, dreamy and almost theatrical way.

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