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Alysson Freitaz

Paulistano and self-taught, Alysson started his trajectory in the creative scene in late 2018, working on the co-creation and execution of projects, editorials and fashion films in partnership with his friends. He is currently working as a director of photography. The first tool he had and, curiously, the one he most enjoyed working with was his cell phone. Much of his content and projects are developed from Apple devices, which gave him a lot of convenience and performance in his first productions, he is also an Apple Friend and tries to make the most of the new features that the devices offer year after year, especially iPhone and iPad.

Alysson has worked with brands such as GQ, Elle Magazine, Vogue, Riachuelo, Converse, and directors such as Hick Duarte and Guilherme Yoshida. He believes that one of his strongest points is the appreciation of the details in each scene. In addition, he likes to bring and emphasize feeling so that the viewer can see and identify with his work. One of the factors he takes into consideration the most is valuing people. “Without them, nothing is possible, nothing is created, nothing comes off the paper, so I always develop and produce with other creators. This way, my work spreads organically and consistently.”

I believe that my experience in the audiovisual market can be a game changer depending on the size of the production and the vision that the contractor expects from his final product.

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