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Lucas Caldeira

Born in 1983.

Today he is president of the @ninhosocial Institute, an NGO based in the Crackland region born in 2017 that embraces social projects that work for/with the population currently living on the streets.


creator @entregaporsp (2013): a mobilization that goes to the streets during the early morning hours to talk to those who will sleep on the sidewalks (offering what they said was of necessity);

supervisor of the birth and development of @entregaporsantos, @entregaporcps and @entregaporcuiaba

and creator of the @projectolavanderia (2016): a space that seeks to offer more dignity and new accesses through WATER (with laundry and social changing room)

Homeless People, Challenges of the Third Sector, Impact on Third Sector Institutions, “Conclusions about the other: should we keep doing it?”, “Dignity through water”, “Social entrepreneur and his challenges.

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